877-904-4483, ext. 122

“We had our son Benjamin without any trouble conceiving. After about a year, we started trying for another baby. We had three miscarriages within 8 months. Then we couldn’t conceive at all. A friend referred us to TFC, so we gave it a try. After many tests, exploratory surgeries and failed, less-invasive treatments, we decided to try IVF. We transferred two embryos, and experienced a miscarriage. We later transferred two more embryos, and dealt with another miscarriage. It was a really dark time for us. But we had some excellent nurses and Dr. Dodds had another idea. We transferred two more embryos in January 2017 and felt doomed to miscarry when the numbers didn’t rise appropriately. But, to our surprise, the pregnancy progressed and we welcomed our son, Ian Gray, in September 2017. With three embryos left, we decided to try again a year later, but the two embryos we transferred failed. We prepared to transfer our last embryo in November and made peace with being done. However, September took us by surprise as we conceived a baby on our own. Our journey has been filled with every emotion, but mostly it has taught us that there is always hope. We thank TFC for not giving up on us, and we are thankful every day for the beautiful gifts we have been given.”